Sunday 5th June 2022
After a very rainy night, we set out from Distillary Creek Picnic Ground for the 10km Currawong Falls loop hike. While wet and muddy under foot at times the weather cleared for us to have a very pleasant rain free hike.
The trail was wide enough for us in parts to walk in pairs and chat as we went along. We passed lovely ferns and big eucalypt trees as we made our way to Currawong Falls where the overnight rainfall provided a small trickle of a waterfall. Here we stopped for some photos before we wound our way uphill to where we had lovely views over Aireys Inlet, the Lighthouse and coast. Another photo opportunity and then we were off down hill on our journey back to the car park passing a few mountain bikers as we went. All up this hike took approximately 2.5 hours to complete.
We then enjoyed a lovely lunch and a drink or a warm cuppa as the chatter continued between new friends.